Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Not only has the Lord our God called us to make disciples, or followers of His Son, Jesus Christ, He has also sent each one of us out to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8) in all of the world, but especially to those whom He has placed us around on an everyday basis. So, as part of the core teaching and identity of our congregation, as is our mission, these are the ways in which we will continue to Reach the Lost.
St. Paul Food Pantry
Serving the needs of our neighbors.
While we may be living in Ankeny, Iowa, one of the ten fastest growing cities of over 50,000 people, there are many in our community, even our own neighborhood, who are not able to provide for themselves and their families. In order to meet this need, our congregation stepped up, and stocked a space in our church with basic non-perishable food items and hygiene products that the community is welcome to use. It is located just inside our main entrance.
Missionaries our congregation Supports
Local Missions we currently support
Agape Pregnancy and Resource Center

Agape offers free services to help women make informed decisions and prepare for their futures.
On With Life
DMARC Food Pantry

On With Life looks to provide families with choices in brain injury rehabilitation by joining hands, hearts, and minds to help persons living with brain injury get
On With Life.
On With Life.

The Des Moines Area Religious Council (DMARC) Food Pantry seeks to provide individuals in the Des Moines Metro area with a three day supply of food for themselves and their families, once a month at no cost, through their 14 partner food pantry cities.