Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing songs and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
Colossians 3:16
Music has a special way of staying with us, greater than any other form of communication! And when it is combined with the Word of God, it's a great benefit and blessing not only to the children of God, but also to those who are yet to be a part of the family of God. It's our hope and mission here at Saint Paul that if music has, is, or you hope will be a part of your life and faith walk with Christ, that you can share and bless our community with your gifts and talents, and in so doing praise our Maker, Redeemer, and Sanctifier.

Meet the Music team
Rhonda Christensen
Rhonda’s church music experience began when she was in 7th grade. The Lutheran School Principal/organist trained ‘new’ organist by having them play the offering, offertory, final hymn and postlude. After confirmation you were allowed to play for the entire service. Rhonda has served as organist and choir accompanist at St. John - Hanover, IA before she and her late husband moved to Urbandale in 2011. She has helped provide organ music at St. Paul - Alta, St.John -Storm Lake, Grace Lutheran- Storm Lake, Mount Olive and Gloria Dei - Urbandale. During her 54 years of serving God throughout music, Rhonda has played piano and organ for many weddings and funerals as well as other special church and community events.

Jon Jero
Choir & Handbell Director
Jon Jero served as director of music for St. Paul Lutheran Church in Des Moines for 12 years. He currently performs on trombone around Iowa with three different musical groups.
Chancel Choir
Rehearsals are on Wednesdays at 7:30pm.
(Check the church calendar for updates.)
The choir is currently around 30 members and new adult and high school age youth are warmly welcomed!
(Check the church calendar for updates.)
The choir is currently around 30 members and new adult and high school age youth are warmly welcomed!
Handbell Choir
Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 5:15pm
The handbell choir generally has 9-12 members and rehearse on Wednesdays in the choir loft. All adults and high school age youth are welcome to join. Previous music reading experience is very helpful, but not required. They play generally once a month for Sunday morning services as well as some special dates and holidays.
The handbell choir generally has 9-12 members and rehearse on Wednesdays in the choir loft. All adults and high school age youth are welcome to join. Previous music reading experience is very helpful, but not required. They play generally once a month for Sunday morning services as well as some special dates and holidays.
Special Music
We have many opportunities for individuals and small groups to serve on the music ministry during our Sunday services. If you are interested contact Pastor Newton or Jon Jero